
For anyone who is building their own tank, could you post some pics of your project? I need some ideas for the chassis! :laughing:

this thread contains some pictures of a homemade chassis, i think cwholer made it

sry if i hacked you name cwholer, i couldn’t remember it :laughing:

Yeah that’s the reason why I started this thread. I saw that chassis and then I was confused on how I should make it!

…o, lol

idk, im sure he would give you an explanation if you pm him, unless he already did in the thread

here is my much less thought out design, rc only still:

Looks nice … I would say you need some way to tighten on the tracs or your going to loose then in a turn.

Looks good Octovir. That’s close to what I was thinking about, except I’m using drill motors so mine will have to be at opposite ends of the chassis. One towards the front and another towards the back.

Thanks guys, it turns without a problem, but i do plan on adding some airplane wheels as idlers/tensioners on the bottom for a smaller footprint and help with turning, clearance, and looks :smiley:

my current design in fabrication right now
left side track

3.5 " of suspension travel
45" of track
4 T-MAXX shocks

both front and back have specially designed tensioners that modify the track shape for climbing when the vehicle encounters resistance.

ill be sure to post pics when its done

wow! thats crazyyy!!! (in the good sence) why do you need so much suspencion (4 places)? how is the suspencion made??


WOAH! BIZZARRE AND WICKED!!! you’ve outdone yourself again nick :laughing:

i needed a very compliant base for a robo-magellan project my local club is working on. its rather large and the guidance system they are implementing requires a stable camera base so…

whats funny is i made alot of compromises in the interest of time, next year the base will get the active suspension system i designed for it, along with a two speed transmission.

some more details:
im using 3" inch track the Jim was kind enough to make especially for us.

only two shocks and springs (springs not pictured) are for suspension, and the wheels ride on limited motion bogies. the other two shocks are for tensioners fore and aft.
(any tank with a suspension requires at least one of these but mine has so much motion that i need two)

The tensioners are designed to passively reconfigure the track shape for climbing when too much resistance is encountered.

each side is self contained. batts, motors, controllers, and encoders

critiques and criticisms welcome

ok, so when to much resistence is there, it will go in to a slimmer desing? like becuase of the suspencion? and you are going to buy two motor controllers and evrything?? so how are you going to coordinate the two sides?


well not quite, image a dog going from standing to sitting, this allows the vehicle to climb tall items.

wow, very intriguing nick, design looks excellent too, i have wanted to try and design a track system for a small rover, and this pretty much covers wat my idea would be :laughing:

A track system with shocks? Thats freakin’ awesome.

All I have to say is holy crap! :astonished:

here is a shot from the left side to give you guys abetter idea of setup.
again the springs and track are not shown as i am too busy cutting (read as too lazy to model them right now)


hum, what I dont get is if the suspension comes in action (goes down) the tracks will come loose (since the perimeter is shorter), is there an other device that makes it possible to tense the trakcs?


actually if he has modeled the pivot points for the bogies correctly it won’t come loose. thinking about how a snowmobile track works might help get your head around it.

Nick is this intended to use the lynxmotion track stuff? What are you using for the road/bogie wheels? Do you have access to a laser cutter or are you hand cutting all the parts?