Chassis Width for 3DOF T-Hex Hexapod?

Folks - I am assembling a Lynxmotion 3DOF T-Hex hexapod. The kit comes with 1.875" spacers, so the interior width of the chassis is - surprise! - about 1.875".

I would like to increase this width (using Al spacers) to 2.5", to allow me to lay a Mega Arduino flat inside the chassis. This change would increase the width of the chassis by 0.625". I plan to add at least one acrylic “deck” inside the chassis, which would (I think) prevent any sagging.

My question is: would this increase in chassis width affect the movement of the legs or have any other adverse affects on the robot (besides a tiny bit of added weight)? I will be using the Phoenix code, with an SSC-32U to control the servos.

Also, would I have to change any of the parameters in the Phoenix code to reflect this change in width?

I have minimal mechanical engineering skills - so would appreciate anyone’s thoughts or advice on this.

Hi Atomic_Penguin,

It will indeed affect the inverse kinematics but nothing you cannot change.
In the code you will find the body dimensions which is going to be changed according to your particular hexapod (HERE)


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dialfonzo - Thanks very much. This gives me confidence to go ahead and modify the width of my T-Hex.

dialfonzo - if I can bother you again: The distance measurements in the Hex_Cfg.h file that you pointed to must be specific to a particular model of hexapod. Do you happen to know what model is represented by the dimensions listed in this file? (It looks to me that the dimensions are not quite right for the 3DOF T-Hex.) Is it for the CH3-R (as in the title of the code?)

*** Update ***

I scrounged around and found the old Basic Micro code for the 3DOF T-Hex. Found a legacy copy of the Basic Micro Studio, downloaded and installed, and presto! - I think I found the dimensions for the 3DOF T-Hex in the “thex_3dof_cfg.bas” code. They seem to be a good match to what I am measuring on my T-Hex. So I think I may be in business (but this has been a real Easter Egg hunt!)


I was actually going this way and looked at the original code in basic-stamp for the dimensions.
It’s possible to open in notepad++ as well.

thex_3dof_cfg.bas (5.8 KB)

dialfonzo -

Yes, that is the BASIC cfg file that I found. I see that, in addition to having different BODY DIMENSION values (from the CH3-R), the MIN/MAX ANGLES values (“mechanical limits”) are also somewhat different. I have not been able to find the definition of these angle values. I assume that the values in the thex_3dof_cfg.bas file are appropriate for a standard 3DOF T-Hex, but since I want to widen the chassis, I will need to know how to derive the correct MIN/MAX ANGLE values for my widened chassis. Do you know where I can find the definition of these MIN/MAX ANGLE values?


My understanding of the values would leave all the angles as they are in the thex_3dof_cfg.bas and only change body dimensions.

OK - thanks dialfonzo, I will go ahead and use the MIN/MAX angle values shown in thex_3dof_cfg.bas, and hope the robot does not explode.

Note to other Forum readers: Does anybody else out there know how the MIN/MAX ANGLE values are derived?



In this post, one guy explain the way those values are used:

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dialfonzo - OK, thanks very much again. I will look at this forum discussion.