Charles the Planar Biped

Charles was a Planar Biped designed to choreography a human's walking pattern over a flat terrain. Its main design was a Planar Biped Model, a bipedal robot in which it needed guided balance to walk, or using a long bar to keep its stability. At all times, Charles was connected via a computer with two USB ports, and was programmed with the Linux programming Language. It's specific trials were recorded three times in the end to make a perfect choreographed walking pattern. Charles' approximate assembly time was a period of 96 hours (4 days), and after assembly, the programming took over a period of 24.5 hours (1.5 days). Charles was an individual project for me, and was not designed and constructed by any other individual.In addition to many pictures, there is a you tube video of me explaining how it was designed and all the walking trials there had to be before Charles' would be able to walk.Note: the video is best viewed using Google Chrome.

A closeup view of Charles' wiring and NXT MicrocontrollersA closeup view of the connection wiring of CharlesA picture of Charles sitting downa downward view of Charles

Charles was a Planar Biped designed to choreography a human's walking pattern over a flat terrain. Its main design was a Planar Biped Model, a bipedal robot in which it needed guided balance to walk, or using a long bar to keep its stability.

  • Actuators / output devices: 6 MINDSTORMS NXT SERVOS
  • Control method: Semi-autonomous
  • CPU: LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0(32-bit ARM7 Microcontroller)
  • Operating system: C++ and LabView
  • Power source: 4.5
  • Programming language: Linux
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice project!

I can’t hide that I’m a Bipeds fan. One thing that I’m always want to know is: how many torque have the Lego servo motors?


Thanks much! I’d have to say for each servo, the torque is about 30kg-cm.  In each leg, the total torque is 90kg-cm, and that multiplied times two is 180kg-cm total. With that being said the complete torque of Charles is 180kg-cm.However, Charles needs guided balance for its stability to be equal.