I work with the DC motor PGM36R555ENC26.9 ( Lynxmotion 12V 80 rpm 47.77oz-in 1:26.9 Brushed DC Gear Motor w/ Encoder) but I need some characteristics that I cannot find on the website (and LynxMotion website) :
Resistance you can measure with an ohmmeter.
Inductance can be measured, but not as simply. If you have an inductance meter it’s easy. Otherwise you can rig something up.
Moment of inertia can also be measured. Since you seem to know what that is it shouldn’t be hard for you to figure out how. hint: some calibrated masses from a scale and some string
torque constant: Looks like you have already calculated that from the specs you have. You can also measure that.
maximum voltage: motors don’t really care what voltage they are fed. They operate on current. The amount of current through the motor and the heat produced are what really matters, but those are partially a result of the applied voltage. The insulation breakdown voltage of the windings will limit the applied voltage, but that is almost certainly going to be well above anything you might want to apply (in the hundreds to thousands of volts range.)
To get definitive answers, you will most likely have to contact the actual manufacturer. I doubt Lynxmotion manufactures it, although it’s possible (but not likely) that they have it custom made. They may not want to reveal the manufacturer. It’s even possible the manufacturer doesn’t know some of those specs (e.g. moment of inertia)
One thing to keep in mind, also, is that some of those (e.g. torque and moment of inertia) are different for the MOTOR and for the SYSTEM (motor with attached gearbox.)
Sorry I can’t be more help than that.
Edit: Google is your friend for finding out how to measure those things. Also, your professor might give you bonus points for measuring them rather than getting someone to tell you what they are.
We have to develop a PID controller for this motor on Labview and the teacher thought that all the necessary information was available on the manufacturer’s website or in a data sheet. Unfortunately, we are missing a lot of data. We’ll try to find them experimentally!