Changing CMPS12 Address

In one of my Arduino projects I use two CMPS12. I first connected one and changed its address from C0 to C2. Then I connected the second one in addition. I left his address at C0. Now I could query both sensors without problems.

The circuit ran without problems for several days without problems. One day however the first CMPS lost the changed address and used again the standard address C0. Because now both had the same address nothing worked anymore.

I wonder now how this can happen. In the program code I did not send any further commands, which could change the address. Has anyone ever had the problem that a CMPS12 lost its new address?

Is there maybe a way to change the address directly via pins? Then I could avoid the software configuration.

Thanks in advance!

I just saw that I had not only connected 5v, gnd, sla and scl of the two sensors, but also mode and factory use.

Maybe connecting factory use had this effect. I’ve separated the pins now.

I thinks that’s the case too. If that happens again, please post pictures of your wiring.

Good luck!

Unfortunately, that didn’t brought any success. I gave the CMPS12 a new address, restarted it and checked the address. It all worked well. After that I only connected the pins +3,3V and GND and switched it off and on for longer intervals. After a while it fell back to the default address.