I came across 1 Wire Pi Plus HAT from AB Electronics UK. Is there a case for this set? Something like a standard PI case will do.
I came across 1 Wire Pi Plus HAT from AB Electronics UK. Is there a case for this set? Something like a standard PI case will do.
Hi @Blade1024 and welcome to our forum.
You can see which RPi cases RobotShop sells: https://eu.robotshop.com/search?options[prefix]=last&options[unavailable_products]=last&q=raspberry+case&type=product
I think cases for RPi with fan should work, you just remove the fan and heatsink.
For example, this one: https://eu.robotshop.com/products/metal-case-w-heatsink-fan-raspberry-pi-4
I think RPi 4 and 1 Wire Pi Plus HAT should fit inside.