* AtMega 88 Custom made Development board
* Exacto-cut coardboard from a shipping box I received earlier
* Coardboard painted with Rustoleum Paint (making it look plasticy)
* (2) infrared emitters and an infrared receiver for object detection
* (2) micro servos for tilt and stride and (3) others for stepping and pivoting
* Piezospeaker in body underneath battery pack
* Power switch located adjacent to battery pack
* FTDI 232RL mini USB programming port
* (4) AA batteries for 6v power supply
* Blue power indicator LED
Vote for me for Oddbot's "Robot Video Competition"! I really have been eyeing his robot "Junior" since he first started it. And I hope that I can have the privledge of working with it.
The chassis was simply one of these guys cut up:
The Servos I got from a past project, all LEDs from various things I took apart (VCRs, Computers, Remotes, etc.) Piezospeaker from a toy train that was broken, both IR emitters were 47Hz from remotes I believe if my memory serves me well. I whipped out my spectrum analyzer, and I think it was 47Hz, so then I bought two receivers within that range and whipped up a circuit.
So the only things I actually bought was the Atmega88, 2 IR receivers, and PCB, totalling a whopping $18.00 for a potentially expensive projectusually in the 100s for servos alone.
The PCB company I used is a local one, however probably the cheapest I have ever seen, it has a tutorial on converting from Eagle to Gerber (what the machine uses) so everything is easy as (math joke :D).
Here it is: http://www.procyonpcb.com/
The PCB was a good $8.00, very well spent
Truly a budget bot
Walk around
- Actuators / output devices: 5 HS-55
- Control method: none
- CPU: Atmega-88
- Power source: 4 AA
- Programming language: C++
- Sensors / input devices: none
- Target environment: inddor
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/cardboard-walker-bot-oddbots-robot-video-competition