Cannot find AL5B option in the AL5 Arm demo project in Flowbotics Studio


I have with me an AL5B arm that I would like to control with the AL5 Arm demo project that comes bundled with Flowbotics Studio. Upon opening the application, I realized that the project only allows for AL5A and AL5D arms, with no option to select the AL5B arm that I have. This is using the latest version (v3.0.9) of Flowbotics Studio that I got directly from the RobotShop website recently. I should also point out that despite the install saying it is the v3.0.9 version, the AL5 Arm demo project lists v3.0.8 instead.

I am still able to control the servos individually using the SSC32 Servo Sequencer demo project, and it works using a baud rate of 38400. My issue is not being able to use the AL5 Arm demo project to control the arm. Is there a way I can download the AL5B option to install on Flowbotics Studio?

Thank you

Hi LCobos,

The FlowArm application will do the same work for each versions of the arm but some dimensions will change.
We would advise to use the AL5B in AL5D mode, that should work for you.

All the best,