I have with me an AL5B arm that I would like to control with the AL5 Arm demo project that comes bundled with Flowbotics Studio. Upon opening the application, I realized that the project only allows for AL5A and AL5D arms, with no option to select the AL5B arm that I have. This is using the latest version (v3.0.9) of Flowbotics Studio that I got directly from the RobotShop website recently. I should also point out that despite the install saying it is the v3.0.9 version, the AL5 Arm demo project lists v3.0.8 instead.
I am still able to control the servos individually using the SSC32 Servo Sequencer demo project, and it works using a baud rate of 38400. My issue is not being able to use the AL5 Arm demo project to control the arm. Is there a way I can download the AL5B option to install on Flowbotics Studio?
Thank you