Can you please recommend a controller (variable speed) for this motor? Application: musical instrument (vibraphone), light load, continuous run at average 80 rpm. Any supplier that will ship to Canada.
I am a non-expert in electronics: if you do recommend something, can you specify how to do the proper connection? I really appreciate your help as I have hunted on RS and elsewhere to no avail. I also emailed the manufacturer E-S Motors – no response.
Thank you so much in advance.
That motor already includes a controller so you simply need a board to send the PWM (speed) and Direction Signal. You could use a microcontroller, for example, an Arduino
I am a non-expert in electronics: if you do recommend something, can you specify how to do the proper connection?
You need to supply 12 volts to the motor (external battery) and use the microcontroller to control the speed (PWM pin on micro and motor) and direction (regular I/O pin on micro and CW/CCW on the motor) and if you want you could sense the RPM with the FG signal (optional). You can find more info here:
Hi Geraldinebc,
Thank you for your detailed answer! Obviously it is authoritative. Even so, it sends me (non-expert) down another rabbit hole to learn to select, assemble and then program an Arduino. But at least I better understand what’s going on.
As an alternative, would you say this RioRand controller would work, by just connecting the positive and negative leads and capping the other three leads?
It is supposed to be for a brushed motor, but it does send apparently a PWM signal. Perhaps it would fry the motor’s native controller?
Even so, it sends me (non-expert) down another rabbit hole to learn to select, assemble and then program an Arduino.
You shouldn’t worry about having to use an Arduino as it is really easy to use (even for beginners) and you can find many tutorials and libraries online, for example for your application you could use the servo library to generate the PWN signal. Either way, you gave a really nice alternative
As an alternative, would you say this RioRand controller would work, by just connecting the positive and negative leads and capping the other three leads?
It looks like you could use it to generate the PWM signal, and as the motor you selected has a built-in driver you could even use the controller to power it, although it is a bit of an overkill because the voltage and current range of the controller is much higher than what you need for the motor, but you could definitely use it. The only thing I’m not sure about is the Direction signal (CW/CCW) so it would be best if you ask the seller of that controller.