in my robot SC-QR-1 i have allready used all 8 servo-ports.
but can i still ad a laser(to see where it looks), a speaker(for it to call hor help or showing some sound-emotions.. etc.) and some leds(like a red to show power, white/bright to help my "primary-back-mounted-not-night-vision-spy-camera")
and if yes would the servos disturb the lasers, speaker and leds?
and i was also thinking, stuff like the sharp ir sensors have ir leds in them, could i attach an led or laser to those pins??
I think you can turn the I think you can turn the digital inputs of the picaxe 28X1 into digital outputs, search LMR and see if you come up with something.
like vince said, you can use the digital inputs as outputs, for an easy way to use LEDs and a laser.
in fact, if the leds and lasers are always on (rather than turned on/off by the IC) you can just connect them to any Voltage and Ground. (all the pins on the far left of the project board, if you’re using one)
No, the servo timing will not interfere with these things. however, all those servo commands will slow down your clock speed, but that won’t matter)
as far as the speaker, i may be wrong, but i think that has to be from an outpin. however, you can use a piezo buzzer (or some other sound-generator that doesn’t require a specific signal) that to one of the digital pins.