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i have completed the circuit but it still not running ? find the images.
1) To spin the motor on breadboard circuit, does adruino uno really required, without adruino uno is it possible to complete circuit on breadboard using atmega?
2) is it necessary to use 2 battery for the circuit on breadboard to spin motor using atmega? in the rc mini helicopter the circuit contains only 1 rechargable battery, so why the circuit on breadboard require 2 battery and require adruino uno ?
i made the circuit as suggested and deployed the program into microcontroller, but the motor does spin ?
can anyone suggest the correction ?
do you mean except pin16, rest of the connection on breadboard and program is correct ?
and for pin16, the connection should be removed from the microcontroller and be connect to the another battery,right ?
please tell me any correction in the attached circuit image diagram on breadboard and here is the program in c
do i need any correction in my program and circuits to drive motor ?
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main(void)
DDRC = 0b01111111;
PORTC = 0b01111111;
PORTC = 0b00110101;
PORTC = 0b00111010;
i have completed the rest of the circuits as shown in the below link and also deployed the c program in to atmega32 using programmer.
i just want to know where to connect wires of pin1,pin9 and pin16 of l293d on the breadboard ?
only these 3 pins i have left to complete the circuit ?
I will again make my question clear
i am using this exactly below post circuit
but dont know how and where to connect wires from pin1,pin9 and pin16 of l293d in uc pins/somewhere breadboard ?
my main objective is to construct quadrotor controlled by android phone. but i want to complete the small basic circuits steps and then move on to next final circuit.
i have read on internet about the motor driven circuit that they put the pin1,pin9 and pin16 of l293d towards arduino boards. but i lack arduino board, so i want to know is it possible to complete circuit for 5v for uc and 9v-12v for battery from l293d ?
lets my question be more clear, that for driving a motor forward and reverse, i have atmega32,l293d,battery,breadboard, 2 motors,resistors,transistors, and a programmer to pass program in microcontroller. now what i lack is arduino board . many circuit i have seen on internet for driving motor are using arduino. so my question is do i need to buy arduino or is there any circuit to drive motor with above components without arduino board ?
my earlier question was not explanatory, everybody thought i was not using microcontroller.
A small circuit like blinking led or multiple leds can be completed without arduino, then is it possible to make the circuit to drive the motors without arduino ? I can see the final product like quadroptor does not include heavy arduino. so i am looking for the circuit to drive motors without arduino on breadboard ?
can anyone help me ?