Campus Party Berlin 2012 - this was the post we used for much of our communication. Thanks for fish

Campus Berlin 2012 - A handful LMR members with possibly 10,000 other nerds in an abondoned airport

We have a challenge due to the way Google hangouts etc is working, and because people come with phones roaming etc etc - but this forum post is where we can throw in everything :) Low tech meets high tech.

And if you are not in Berlin, feel free to give us a shout :)

Latest live stream

Cool! Don’t forget to add

Cool! Don’t forget to add your pics to the LetsMakeRobots group pool on Flickr:

Fantastic Flying Stunt by Frits

Have a look:


The MONSTER CATCHER was made by some us in Berlin:

FYI; It’s really kinda hard

FYI; It’s really kinda hard to work with all the localized geotagging, security login different IP and what have you - Like my phone fails to sign in and share on Flickr - it’s not because we do not want to cooperate :wink:

I am here soldering ALF’s

I am here soldering ALF’s together :wink:

We all need to build one for the final race on a big course…



One of my friends, have one

One of my friends, have one of those with RC gear. Very nice for a very calm summer evening.

Friday night: Golgatha


See you there :slight_smile:

NOT at CP Berlin

Well I might not be at Campus Party, Berlin… regardless remotely here’s some bottle art within the spirit:



we are here now,its a great

we are here now,its a great place!

Berliner Kindl

I can see you guys like a beer and I’m sure you can build a bigger LMR bottle art by the time you leave. If you get a chance to buy it, try a Berliner Kindl. It was my favourite when I was there last time.

So good…

…the kung fu war cry and the yelp at the end. When I saw him hiking up his shorts I knew it was going to end poorly.

Thanks!That beer looks very


That beer looks very large for me. Like very large! I wonder if that is just because of what I did last night, or if that indeed is one very large beer?

Yet another Berlin Campus project

15:00 Everyone meet at the

15:00 Everyone meet at the LMR banner; Group photo and planning of last evening :slight_smile:

Must be the angle

I didn’t notice till you pointed that out. It does look big in the picture but the contents is 500ml. Which is a little larger than the popular “stubbie” we have in Australia @ 375ml. Just watch you don’t overdo the celebrations on the last day and fly home with a hangover. 

: D

17:30 meet at the banner to

17:30 meet at the banner to arrange eating (out?) together :slight_smile:


17:30 meet at the banner to

17:30 meet at the banner to arrange eating (out?) together :slight_smile: