Call for Reviewers Lynxmotion SSC-32U USB Servo Controller

Update January 6th 2016:

Hi all! We have the winners for this review: craighissett and cobaltphoenix
 You will be contacted shortly.
Other calls are coming so do not hesitate to participate. Good Luck.


Hi LMR members!


Need to control servo motors in your robot? We have two SSC-32U USB Servo Controllers by Lynxmotion to give away for free in exchange for a review on LMR.

The Lynxmotion SSC-32U USB Servo Controller is the latest version of the very popular SSC-32 servo controller board. It has a USB port, an Xbee socket, improved power circuit, and a many other improvements.

Its main features are:

  • Controls up to 32 servo motors

  • Comes pre-soldered / assembled

  • USB interface (cable included), Xbee socket, TTL serial, general I/O

  • Bidirectional communication with Query commands

  • Large capacitors to prevent brownouts


If you want a chance to review this general servo controller, add a comment below with the following:

  1. That you are a member for at least 3 months, with at least 2 publications of enough quality (it is at the discretion of LMR to decide that quality, but they are fair, just try your best!).

  2. What you will use the Lynxmotion SSC-32U USB Servo Controller for.


Reviewers must:

  1. Use the “Tips on writing reviews at Let’s Make Robots”, and use pictures and videos in their review.  
  2. Write their review within 6 weeks of recieving the free product.
  3. Consider using the videos with LMR intro and end. Not compulsary.

Between all contestants LMR will select 2 members who will receive for free and review this controller.

Good luck!

I really want to do it, but

I really want to do it, but I’m scared I won’t find the time or something.

But my idea would be to use a raspberry pi 2 and this servo controller to make a hexapod with a camera and a bunch of image processing awesomeness. Perhaps I could make it a work in progress type of thing instead of a review. Could help a bunch of people who want to do something similar.

Would be honored

I haven’t been active on LMR recently, but I have continued to work on and build different projects on my own time when possible. I have a strong background in computer development and I am very capable with circuit boards, etc. Also I am a professional photographer and videographer with a table setup for reviewing products :slight_smile:

Interesting idea. Thank you

Interesting idea. Thank you for your proposal.

That’s great. Thank you for

That’s great. Thank you for participating in the call.

Yeah, it would be like a

Yeah, it would be like a journal. Documenting my progress and such.

I’ll throw my hat into that ring

I would be happy to review the product, I have plenty of servo’s knocking around and I’m sure I can find an interesting use for the board. (I’ve been considering some kind of neural net powered walker, that learns to walk over time)

Thank you for participating.

Thank you for participating. The winners will be chosen next week. Good luck.

Count me in!

I would love to have a stab at this!


I’m currently putting together a ‘desktop assistant’ to sit on my desk at work.

It is going to be like a head, featuring pan/tilt to enable it to look about and eventually track objects, and is going to have various sensors to assist in various tasks.

I have been looking for a way to interface it ot a PC so that it can be controlled using a VB or Python app without any extra hardware. This board would be perfect for ity, and adding Xbee could open the door to it wirelessy controlling other devices!

I would love to firstly review this board and then document my project on here.



EDIT: After seeing the Astromech based on R2D2 just posted on LMR I think I want to build a droid with this. That would be sweet!


Thank you for this - can’t wait to get started!!

Code example in VB.NET for SSC-32U / AL5

You may want to check out this example on the Lynxmotion GitHub. It is meant to show how to control an SSC-32U in a very basic, with simple controls to move the servomotors of an Lynxmotion AL5 robotic arm.

The commands are detailed in the SSC-32U manual (pages 24-26). They are basically ASCII strings sent over the VCP (virtual COM port) created by the FT232R that is used as the USB interface chp.

Thanks scharette!

That’ll save me a lot of time when getting started.


Thanks again!

Great resources

Thanks for the link man.

It looks really simple to get started with it! I am most likely going to use Python to control this beasty in my project, so just going to make some functions containing the commands needed for the motion required and just call that.

It’ll make everything nice and easy to code!


I think this may well have been delivered now - can’t wait ot pick it up tonight!

While I plan my desktop assistant project out more throughoughly I am going to temporarily pop this on my MobBob platform to control it’s four servos. I’m too eager to get started ha ha!

:slight_smile: looking forward to your

:slight_smile: looking forward to your results.

Would like to use with my self-teaching heaxpod robot

I would love to review this product! I would be incorporating it into my hexapod robot, which I have programmed to be able to teach itself to walk. I plan on incorporating hobby servos into the the new head mechanism design, and in my version I am creating for commercial availability.



-Gregory Roberts

 Founder of EARL Technologies

[email protected]