built a robot

hai friends

iam trying to built a robot like eddie(http://www.parallax.com/eddie).

im have following things kinect, arduino , ultrasonic sensors 4 n.o , stepper motor(im not having encoder for dc motor or i should buy it)

i want to implement touch screen & joystick control, obstacle avoidance and "follow me" application.


if any body done similar work, give the links to download the code ,hardware assembly instruction , kinect caliberation and its code

thank you in advance

There is a great video to watch on how to do this

Go to Rocket Brand Studios and, on the left hand side, there is a click called "I want to make a robot…"

This video will let you know what it is going to take to get a robot going.

now i have a chasis, 2 hc

now i have a chasis, 2  hc sr 04 sensor and uno rev3 so ithought to start coding

i edited this code for obstacle avoidance

"#define trigPin 13

#define echoPin 12

#define TIMEOUT 40000 // 40ms timeout (the HC-sr04 has 38 ms timeout)


void setup()


Serial.begin (19200);

pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // Ensure triger is starting with low befre any pulse

delayMicroseconds(20); // Delay before first pulse



void loop()


long duration, distance;


digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); // Start the High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // End the Pulse

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;


if (distance >= 400 || distance <= 0)


Serial.println(“Out of range”);





Serial.println(" cm");



} “

into this

//my code


#define ta 13   //trig pin of A ultrasonic sensor

#define ea 12   //eco pin of A ultrasonic sensor

#define tb 11    //trig pin of Bultrasonic sensor

#define eb 10   //trig pin of B ultrasonic sensor

#define lp 9  // pin to l293 to control left motor

#define ln 8  //pin to l293 to control left motor

#define rp 7  //pin to l293 to control rightmotor

#define rn 6  //pin to l293 to control right motor


#define TIMEOUT 40000     // 40ms timeout (the HC-sr04 has 38 ms timeout)


void setup()


Serial.begin (19200);

pinMode(lp, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ln, OUTPUT);

pinMode(rp, OUTPUT);

pinMode(rn, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ta, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ea, INPUT);

pinMode(tb, OUTPUT);

pinMode(eb, INPUT);

digitalWrite(ta, LOW);    // Ensure triger is starting with low before any pulse

delayMicroseconds(20);  // Delay before first pulse

digitalWrite(tb, LOW);




void loop()


long dua, da,dub,db;    // dua duration of A sensor// da distance by A sensor// in the same way dub//db


digitalWrite(ta, HIGH); // Start the a  High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros


digitalWrite(ta, LOW);    // End the Pulse

dua = pulseIn(ea, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

da = (dua/2) / 29.1;


digitalWrite(tb, HIGH); // Start the b High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros

digitalWrite(tb, LOW); // End the Pulse

dub = pulseIn(eb, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

db = (dub/2) / 29.1;

if ((da >=10) && (db >=10))


digitalWrite(lp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(ln, LOW);  \ turning right concidering obstacle in left sensor A with in 10 cm

digitalWrite(rp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(rn, LOW);



if ((da <=10) && (db >=10))


digitalWrite(lp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(ln, LOW);

digitalWrite(rn, HIGH); //turning left concidering obstacle in left sensor A with in 10 cm

digitalWrite(rp, LOW);



if ((db <=10)&& (da >=10))


digitalWrite(ln, HIGH);

digitalWrite(lp, LOW);

digitalWrite(rn, HIGH);

digitalWrite(rp, LOW);


if ((da <=10) && (db <=10))


digitalWrite(lp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(ln, LOW); // turning right concidering obstacle in both A and B sensor  with in 10 cm

digitalWrite(rn, HIGH);

digitalWrite(rp, LOW);

delay(7000); // giving some delay thinking that robot will turn enough from the obstacle

digitalWrite(lp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(ln, LOW);// ten left turn to robot to travel stright always

digitalWrite(rp, HIGH);

digitalWrite(rn, LOW);







insteag of testing this with real robot i planned for apre check using serial monitor to print direction of robot travelling

code below

#define ta 13   //trig pin of A ultrasonic sensor


#define ea 12   //eco pin of A ultrasonic sensor

#define tb 11    //trig pin of Bultrasonic sensor

#define eb 10   //trig pin of B ultrasonic sensor/trig pin of A ultrasonic sensor

.#define TIMEOUT 40000 // 40ms timeout (the HC-sr04 has 38 ms timeout)


void setup()


Serial.begin (19200);


pinMode(ta, OUTPUT);

pinMode(ea, INPUT);

pinMode(tb, OUTPUT);

pinMode(eb, INPUT);

digitalWrite(ta, LOW); // Ensure triger is starting with low before any pulse

delayMicroseconds(20);// Delay before first pulse

digitalWrite(tb, LOW);




void loop()


long dua, da, dub, db;  // dua duration of A sensor// da distance by A sensor// in the same way dub//db


digitalWrite(ta, HIGH); // Start the a  High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros


digitalWrite(ta, LOW); // End the Pulse

dua = pulseIn(ea, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

da = (dua/2) / 29.1;


digitalWrite(tb, HIGH); // Start the b High Pulse


delayMicroseconds(10); // Delay 10 micros

digitalWrite(tb, LOW); // End the Pulse

dub = pulseIn(eb, HIGH, TIMEOUT);

db = (dub/2) / 29.1;


if ((da >=10)&& (db >=10 ))


Serial.println(” go straight");




if ((da <=10)&&(db >=10))


Serial.println(" right turn");



if ((db <=10)&&(da >=10))


Serial.println(“left turn “);


if ((da <=10) && (db <=10))


Serial.println(” right turn”);


Serial.println(" left turn ");






then  i tested the above code with only two sensor… i left both sensor unintreuptted so o/p should be printing only “go stright” statment but the output is mixed with “right turn” and “left turn” statment i dont no why…

help me to fix this and i like to go for pwm speed control(for that i have only l293 not arduino motor sheild ) so direct me, having lots of idea about add on like bluethoot contol using android app and add navigation capability 

I made a few adjustments to your last bit of code.

#define ta 13   //trig pin of A ultrasonic sensor
#define ea 12   //eco pin of A ultrasonic sensor
#define tb 11    //trig pin of Bultrasonic sensor
#define eb 10   //trig pin of B ultrasonic sensor/trig pin of A ultrasonic sensor
#define TIMEOUT 40000 // 40ms timeout (the HC-sr04 has 38 ms timeout)
#define DANGER 10 //range that is too close

void setup() {
  Serial.begin (19200);
  pinMode(ta, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ea, INPUT);
  pinMode(tb, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(eb, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(ta, LOW); // Ensure triger is starting with low before any pulse
  delayMicroseconds(20);// Delay before first pulse
  digitalWrite(tb, LOW);

void loop() {
  float da, db;
  da = distanceCheck(ta, ea);
  db = distanceCheck(tb, eb);
  if ((da >= DANGER) && (db >= DANGER)) {
    Serial.println(“go straight”);
  if ((da <= DANGER) && (db >= DANGER)) {
    Serial.println(“right turn”);
  if ((da >= DANGER) && (db <= DANGER)) {
    Serial.println(“left turn”);
  if ((da <= DANGER) && (db <= DANGER)) {
    Serial.println(“right turn”);
    delay(50000);//why do you wait 50 seconds here?
    Serial.println(“left turn”);

float distanceCheck(int trig, int echo) {
  digitalWrite(trig, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trig, LOW);
  return ((pulseIn(echo, HIGH, TIMEOUT)) / 2) / 29.1;

Let me know if this works for you.