my plan is build a robot based in this project
but with one lipo 3s 5000mah that will feed all the system and a powerful brain, the udoo board
my list of materials
1xacelerometer 3axis and gyroscope 3axis sensor
1xultrasonic sensor
1x lipo 3s 5000mah 11,1v(it will feed ALL the system including the servos and the boards)
1x bec with output 5v 8A(it will convert 11,1v in 5 8A to feed the servos)
1xudoo board(quad core 1gb ram board with arduino due integrated)
1x logic conversor(comunication between UDOO arduino due(3,3v) and the servo controller(5v))
so what is uncertain...
1x ssc board controller up to 32 servos but i dont know what type(lynxmotion or torobot? lynxmotion you can put up to 30A,but torobot is compatible with usb(include bluetooth usb dongles) and ps2 controller)
1 x camera but i didnt choose what type and model, vga 640x480 is enough.
15-20 servos mg995(what can i do with 15?17?20 degrees of freedom?)
10-???-brackets,i dont know how many brackets i gonna use and what type.
4-???-cables to transform udoo in DC or conect it directly to the lipo 3s,same with the ssc 32 servos controller and the bec that will feed the servos
the udoo board ,ssc servo controller and the bec will be in parallel but what type of cable, can i use to do this?
in the lynxmotion controller board i can connect the servos and power up them with the pin specificaly designed to do it
however i dont know if i can do the same with the torobot servo controller(just plug the servos directly in the board and connect the power supply in the correct pins in the board)
here is the link to torobot
and how much current the torobot can take.10A is a good number ,at least 8A.
i am asking because i didnt find any kind of information related about torobot and i need help in other areas.
thanks in advance!