Building a Nuclear Decommissioning Robot

Hello, I am a masters engineering student and my final year dissertation group project is the design, building and programming of a prototype robotics system for nuclear decommissioning. I have started video logging the entire process, links below. Hopefully this is of interest to some of you here, feel free to let me know what you think and I will try and answer any questions.

I'm going to update this as I post more videos. 

Episode 1 (Introduction):

Episode 2:

Link to the playlist: (

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Understanding the project


Hi Andrew!

And thank you for sharing your project on so good detail. I’m wandering if the aim of the project is to build a prototype model or a really funtional robot.

As you point there will be radiation in the nuclear power plant, is this robot for operating in any area or just in low radiation areas? If it’s also for medium-high radiation areas it can be an issue as radiation affects electronic components and can disable the robot entirely.

Is it for inspection and mapping or also decomissioning nuclear parts? Because if it has to also decomission then it needs actuators, right?

Well once again great job and keep sharing. I’m looking forward for it. Thanks!