I am a new intern for a facility focused on autonomous vehicle testing. In autonomous vehicle testing, companies need a realistic way to simulate vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and animals. There are current products that achieve this, such as the ABD launchPad - (https://www.abdynamics.com/en/products/track-testing/adas-targets/launch-pad), but this product is a six figure product.
We are looking into developing our own in-house, lower-cost autonomous platform that will be controlled via RTK-GPS and is capable of moving a test dummy up to about 35 lbs.
I am already considering using Swift Navigation’s Duro Inertial as our RTK-GPS system - (https://www.swiftnav.com/duro), but I’m not sure what Hardware we should use for the platform itself.
My questions are :
what would be a good robot kit/motor controller/motordrivers/ to integrate with this swift navigation RTK system? Keep in mind that the platform should be low-profile, so that sensors in autonomous cars cannot see the platform, only the test dummy attached.