Building a low-profile autonomous platform for simulating vulnerable road users (VRUs)


I am a new intern for a facility focused on autonomous vehicle testing. In autonomous vehicle testing, companies need a realistic way to simulate vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and animals. There are current products that achieve this, such as the ABD launchPad - (, but this product is a six figure product.

We are looking into developing our own in-house, lower-cost autonomous platform that will be controlled via RTK-GPS and is capable of moving a test dummy up to about 35 lbs.

I am already considering using Swift Navigation’s Duro Inertial as our RTK-GPS system - (, but I’m not sure what Hardware we should use for the platform itself.

My questions are :
what would be a good robot kit/motor controller/motordrivers/ to integrate with this swift navigation RTK system? Keep in mind that the platform should be low-profile, so that sensors in autonomous cars cannot see the platform, only the test dummy attached.

Hello @jonathanxguerra, and welcome to the forum.

Sorry for the delay.

I’ve looked through your links, and your projects sounds very interesting.

Now, I’ve looked through what is offered on RobotShop. So, some robot that looks like a platform (low height) and that could carry around 35lbs.

Some of my proposals would be:

Please have a look!