#define INA_2 10 //This is the left forward control of the robot, I defined each pwm pin that is connected to the arduino
#define INB_2 11 //This is the left backward control of the motor, e.g set this high and INB_1 high and others low you will do a reverse
#define INA_1 5 //This is the right forward control of the motor
#define INB_1 6 //This is the right backward control of the motor
void setup() { // This is always the 1st void function in an arduino program
pinMode(INA_2, OUTPUT); //each pwm pin was placed as an output for the program
pinMode(INB_2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(INA_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(INB_1, OUTPUT);
void loop() { //This is a loop shows the sensor and the driver funtion
void driver() //This is the driver function, it reads the sensors and drives the motor using pwm signal
int lowVal = 60; // i did set my sensor low value to be 60 note this is not the lowest value the sensor can go
int highVal = 300; // i did set my sensor high value to be 300 note this is not the highest value the sensor can go
int s0 = analogRead(A0); //This defines the sensor value s0, it puts the reading of analogread(A0) into s0
int s1 = analogRead(A1);
int s2 = analogRead(A2);
int s3 = analogRead(A3);
int s4 = analogRead(A4);
int s5 = analogRead(A5);
if ((s2 >= highVal) && (s3 >= highVal)) //This is the 1st if statement of the program, it says if s2 and s3 see's a black line robot should move straight at highest speed
analogWrite(INA_2, 255);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INA_1, 255);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if ((s3 >= highVal) && (s4 >= highVal))
analogWrite(INA_2, 200);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if ((s4 >= highVal) && (s5 >= highVal))
analogWrite(INA_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INA_1, 200);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if((s1 >= highVal) && (s2 >= highVal))
analogWrite(INA_2, 200);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INA_1, 255);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if ((s0 >= highVal) && (s1 >= highVal))
analogWrite(INA_2, 200);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INA_1, 0);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if(s0 >= highVal)
analogWrite(INA_2, 200);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if(s1 >= highVal)
analogWrite(INA_2, 200);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if(s2 >= highVal)
analogWrite(INA_2, 255);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if(s3 >= highVal)
analogWrite(INA_2, 255);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if(s4 >= highVal)
analogWrite(INA_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INA_1, 200);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if(s5 >= highVal)
analogWrite(INA_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
else if((s0 <= lowVal) && (s1 <= lowVal) && (s2 <= lowVal) && (s3 <= lowVal) && (s4 <= lowVal) && (s5 <= lowVal)) //This says if its all white light the robot should make a 180 degree left turn
analogWrite(INA_2, 0);
analogWrite(INB_2, 200);
analogWrite(INB_1, 0);
void sensor(){ //This function basically prints the sensor reading so you can see what sensors are working.
int s0 = analogRead(A0);
int s1 = analogRead(A1);
int s2 = analogRead(A2);
int s3 = analogRead(A3);
int s4 = analogRead(A4);
int s5 = analogRead(A5);
Serial.print("s0 "); //This prints out the reading for each sensor
Serial.print(" s1 ");
Serial.print(" s2 ");
Serial.print(" s3 ");
Serial.print(" s4 ");
Serial.print(" s5 ");
Serial.print(' ');