Building a GoKart with Plywood and PVC

Hi there - I am a complete n00b at all this and my kid wants to build a gokart. Not just the simple push cart wit Pram and Puschair wheels - but a full on electric cart. So I saw this:
How to Make a Go kart / Electric car using PVC pipe at Home

which looked like it was pretty cool. He’s very much into Chassis etc.

And there’s a cool material list. Which includes this motor:

What would be a good RobotShop motor to replace this?
Thanks for the help - sorry to be a n00b and ask such a basic question.


Hi there! Looks like an amazing project.
I would just recommend to be really careful in the design since this can be a ‘‘harmful project’’.

First, there is this motor here:
24V 143RPM no load and Stall torque of 1472 oz-in. (pretty low RPM)

Second motor:
12V 313RPM no load and Stall torque of 416.6 oz-in.

You may use this tool to calculate the motors and battery you will need:

Let me know if this helps and I surely want to see this project in the robot section!

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Thanks for the heads up… I’m new to all this motor and stuff. In the old days I just grabbed a servo motor from somewhere and hooked it up to my lego. It’s been about 40 years since then :smiley:

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I understand what you mean, don’t give up!

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