
I am working on what is probably the easiest robot in the world, and i almost have it done. this took longer than expected because i added a switch to it.i cant get an image just yet, because it fell off of my bookshelf. srry

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bristlebots are amazing!! I have made about 5 myself!! have fun with yours

I’ve been collecting old

I’ve been collecting old cellphones to pillage vibration motors from in hopes of building a bristlebot army!

Would love to see pics of yours :wink:

I made seven so far, and I

I made seven so far, and I have a video somewhere on my computer of all 7 in an enclosed wooden "arena" and me turning them all on at once, it looks pretty cool.

One two of them I added an OpAmp and 1 bumper switch so that when it touches something it completely stops


I love making these :slight_smile:

these are the most fun to make when you dont have any money :slight_smile:

I ran out of pager motors so I just used a zip tie as the counter wieght it works great :slight_smile:



I forgot to mrntion that most of mine are made using sweeping brushes and ‘normal’ motors with a wheel with a weight added to one side. they are usually cheaper than toothbrushes with pager motors, are easier to modify and less fiddly to work with.

Hey mattmitch why are you using such a large chip?
if everyone were worms, try to be a glow worm

the large chip…
I salvaged it from a really old computer and thought it would look cool as a base (it doesn’t do anything it just looks cool :)~Matt

where did you get that battery housing?
where did you get that battery housing?

battery housing

I salvaged it from an old motherboard, it was the system battery.
