Brewster the Beer Buddy

Brewster is a work in progress project I have been looking forward to work on for sometime. Please feel free to comment or throw any ideas my way for improvement. When I decided to go ahead with this project I was debating on using a Arduino and while browsing found this site The Ezb board was an excellent choice for this project simply because of its built in bluetooth and price. I do caution you as I learned the hard way if using HT servos dont hesitate to change out the heatsinks and be sure to add a fan. Pics to come soon.

Thanks for checking him out.

Navigate around via ultrasound, Opens and closes fridge,

  • Actuators / output devices: Main arm controlled with high torque gear motor at shoulder, Added High torque Savox servos
  • Control method: computer controlled via bluetooth/ internet/ wifi
  • Operating system: windows 8
  • Sensors / input devices: Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces, Indoors - Carpet

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

**Be kind people **
We all have to learn how to behave on LMR and of cause this post is not that informative but hey, give the man some room to learn, he is not learning any thing by yelling at him, that tone is not inspiring (for any of us) to post new robots, I don’t think it’s what fritsl had in mind when starting LMR. please be kind to all, most of us are doing robots in our free time and have some fun with it so don’t take the fun out of it. Let LMR be a Place for all. A lot of us uses English as our 2. Language and maybe don’t write that well English, and may therefore don’t be that informative but then it is up to all to tell and help in a positive way…