Brat Tutorials - Basic programs that compile with Studio

Since it came up again and there may be several people who got new Brat’s under the tree, I decided to take a quick look at the different source files that are mentioned in the different tutorials for the brat and see if they compile with the current version of studio. I found several of the programs did not compile as to the changes made to the HSERVO system. In Particular ABRAT1 - ABRAT5. I did a quick edit of these files and they now all build. I don’t currently have any brat’s with a Basic Atom Pro28 connected so I did not do any testing.

Here is a zip file of the programs I downloaded, compiled and if necessary edit.

Note: I am running build

Brat Tutorials - Studio (33.2 KB)

Thanks for the reminder Kurt! I’ll get right on fixing the files on the website. :smiley:

You are welcome. I figured since there was a recent question on it, I would try to help…

You may also want to update some of the tutorials to probably link them to studio instead of the old IDE. It looks like your links still may work to get this old IDE, but is no longer listed as a download on the Basic Micro website and they will no longer support it… Personally I like the current version of studio: as it is working pretty well and the baud rate of 115200 is working with serout :slight_smile:
