Brat based mech wont turn please help

i downloaded the program from the how to and followed instruction but it wont turn can some one please help!!!

Hi will need lots more information.

What do you mean, won’t turn on. How is it powered? Do you have a charged battery? What program?


I mean left or right

Welcome to Lynxmotion.
you will get all the help you need right here. but you need to ask the right questions and give the right info.
ok first we will need to know what program you are using?

how are you controlling the robot, ps2, pc, rc etc?

whats controlling the robot, botboard, SSC, microcontroller?

have you checked over the pin connections??

make sure the hip rotate servos are connected properly.
Do the servos move at all?

im am talking about the program in the mech how to on the brat tutorials it is the last one for the brat
the servos move and it will walk forwards and BACKWARDS but it wont turn left or right. the bot board ins the mcu with ps2 controller i followed everything the way it said

does it simulate a turn. im mean does it seem to be trying to turn, or is the whole turning part no functioning?

its not trying to its just like they left part of the program

check through the code and see if there are any parts commented out. look for a (:wink: before the command.

look for this:

[code] elseif(command = 11) ; Turn left
;serout s_out, i9600, “Begin L Turn.”, 13]
gosub movement 0.0,-35.0,-40.0, 0.0, 35.0, 37.0,500.0]
gosub movement 0.0, 35.0, 37.0, 0.0,-35.0,-40.0,500.0]
gosub movement -14.0, 35.0, 37.0, 20.0,-35.0,-40.0,500.0]
gosub movement -14.0, 35.0, 37.0, 20.0, 0.0, 0.0,500.0]
gosub movement 20.0, 0.0, 0.0,-14.0, 0.0, 0.0,500.0]
; gosub movement 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,500.0]
;serout s_out, i9600, “End L Turn.”, 13]
;gosub movement 20.0,-35.0,-40.0,-14.0, 35.0, 37.0,500.0]

     ;gosub movement   0.0,-35.0,-70.0,  0.0, 35.0,  7.0,500.0] 
     ;gosub movement   0.0, 35.0,  7.0,  0.0,-35.0,-70.0,500.0] 
     ;gosub movement -14.0, 35.0,  7.0, 20.0,-35.0,-70.0,500.0] 
     ;gosub movement -14.0, 35.0,  7.0, 20.0, 35.0,  7.0,500.0] 
     ;gosub movement  20.0, 35.0,  7.0,-14.0, 35.0,  7.0,500.0] 
     ;gosub movement  20.0,-35.0,-70.0,-14.0, 35.0,  7.0,500.0] [/code]

copy and paste this in its place:

[code] elseif(command = 11) ; Turn left
;serout s_out, i9600, “Begin L Turn.”, 13]
gosub movement 0.0,-35.0,-40.0, 0.0, 35.0, 37.0,500.0]
gosub movement 0.0, 35.0, 37.0, 0.0,-35.0,-40.0,500.0]
gosub movement -14.0, 35.0, 37.0, 20.0,-35.0,-40.0,500.0]
gosub movement -14.0, 35.0, 37.0, 20.0, 0.0, 0.0,500.0]
gosub movement 20.0, 0.0, 0.0,-14.0, 0.0, 0.0,500.0]
gosub movement 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,500.0]
;serout s_out, i9600, “End L Turn.”, 13]
gosub movement 20.0,-35.0,-40.0,-14.0, 35.0, 37.0,500.0]

     gosub movement   0.0,-35.0,-70.0,  0.0, 35.0,  7.0,500.0] 
     gosub movement   0.0, 35.0,  7.0,  0.0,-35.0,-70.0,500.0] 
     gosub movement -14.0, 35.0,  7.0, 20.0,-35.0,-70.0,500.0] 
     gosub movement -14.0, 35.0,  7.0, 20.0, 35.0,  7.0,500.0] 
     gosub movement  20.0, 35.0,  7.0,-14.0, 35.0,  7.0,500.0] 
     gosub movement  20.0,-35.0,-70.0,-14.0, 35.0,  7.0,500.0] [/code]

Uh oh… :blush:
I think I may have uploaded the wrong version of the code… I remember disabling the turning to test something out at one point. I’ll look into this.

Ok, yep. It was the wrong version… :blush:
The correct one is up now. Sorry about that!

Link link.

James… How could you… How would you… :stuck_out_tongue: