Brat autonomously

is this wireless from the get go? i cant decide if i want to build this or something else. i have about a $400 price range to start with.

if its not wireless what am i looking to spend on converting it over

The autonomous BRAT is controlled by the Basic Atom Pro 28. There are no wires connecting it to a PC after it’s been programmed.

so he will just wonder around on his own after programming? sorry for all the questions im just really knew into robotics and still kind of clueless


You ride motorcross? I do some trail riding a few times a year.

There are two tutorials for the Autonomous BRAT. The first one handles basic walking around, getting up if it falls or is placed in a vertical position. It’s job is to explore, not get stuck, take a break if walking a long time, and make beeps on it’s proximity to obstacles.

The second tutorial makes the BRAT a water bottle search and destroy robot. This is a pretty cool experiment.

If you look at the tutorials you will find links to videos showing the bot in action.

ya i ride motocross and trails. never raced motocross tho. but raced a few hair scrambles in alabama.

thanks for the help guys. the ping sensors could they replace the sensors that come with it? and how do i program a servo to mount the ping sensor on?