I recently purchased a Brat with the Botboarduino and I’m unable to locate proper wiring diagrams for this pair. Everything seems to be focused on the Brat with the older boards.
I need to do the following:
-Center the servos
-Complete wiring
-Install sample code
Can anyone point me in the right direction to locate instructions for these three items?
Yep it looks like the tutorials have not been updated for the Botboarduino.
I believe that they have some sample programs up on their github project: github.com/Lynxmotion/Brat/tree/BotBoarduino
Note: the wiring I see in the ps2 program I believe is different than my own programs, so I will try to walk you through their stuff:
I will assume for now that you purchased it with their PS2. You can look at several of the different tutorials on how to hook this up:
Example the Botboarduino guide: lynxmotion.com/images/html/b … onnections
From the ps2 program they have the following servos connected to the following IO pins:
PS2 - 6-9
Left Hip (LH) 12
Left Knee(LK) 11
Left Ankle(LA) 10
Right Hip 4
Right Knee 3
Right Ankle 2
I think they also added a Pan servo on Pin 13…
As to install the sample code: you use the Arduino IDE to install the code.
Center the servos: not sure what they are doing with their code base for this.
Note: It has been a long time since I played with my brat, so not sure what state my code is in. But if you are wishing to try it out, I have included it here:
But I believe my pin numbers are different:
RA = 10, RK=11, RH = 12, LA=2, LK=3, LH=4 (or it may be our left and right are different…)
With my code base, I think I have a quick and dirty keyboard monitor (you can enter cryptic commands into), including O to enter servo offset mode. In there you can use the keyboard to move each of the servos, to move them to the right zero point and save away the offsets…
It seems as though a software / electronics guide was never put live for the BRAT + BotBoarduino. We’ll start working on it immediately and apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As Kurte indicated, there is sample code available via Github which indictes where each joint needs to be connected, and the wiring for the power is as simple as wiring the battery harness to VS1 and keeping the VS = VL jumper in place. More to come.
I’ve been able to home the servos, get everything wired, and upload the sample code.
BRAT_AUT: The BRAT takes really short and slow strides, falls over immediately.
BRAT_WaterBottle: The BRAT takes fast and long strides and moonwalks in place.
Neither code base allows the BRAT to function properly. The BRAT seems to be configured properly, when I power it on holding the “A” button down it goes right to the neutral position. Any thoughts on going forward would be great.
If I remember correctly the Brat needs to have their servos aligned pretty accurately and also may depend on where the battery is… sometimes you had to do a little tweaking of the strides and the like, or it did not walk overly well. Been awhile since I played with it.
If your robot is doing the moonwalk (or walking in place), then it’s likely that one or two of the servos is still off a little. It should walk like this: youtube.com/watch?v=3pSzPW8SbTk
If you lift the robot up, does it do the correct motion in the air? If so, then you have the bulk of it configured correctly - you just need to do some tweaking.
Note that the foot is completely off the ground (albeit close). Within the code, keep adding a little servo offset until the servos are as close to 90 degrees as possible.