Bracerbot Beta

My first quadruped, I wanted to make it special, so after you finish gathering data robot will come to you and will wrap around you arm as a barecelet (see video). Still need to programm walking and data sending via bluetooth, perhaps I will make an android app for it.

*Update 18.9* spray-painted legs to black, finally started to program some walking. Currently I'm working more on gait and I would like to create processing application for him.

*Update 28.9* I have written small Processing app for bot using controlP5 library. Also data obtaining now works, lags on the app are caused by screen capture program.

Walks around sends data from multiple sensors via bluetooth then sticks to arm

  • Actuators / output devices: 8 servos
  • Control method: autonomous or controlled via bluetooth
  • CPU: Atmega 328
  • Operating system: Arduino
  • Power source: 2x3.7V nokia batteries for board + bluetooth + sensors, 4x1.5V AAA rechargable batteries for servo
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: LM35 temperature sensor, 3 axis accelerometer, photoresistor, IR distance
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Like a creation of Q

…this bracelet feature is very unique. Reminds me about the creations of Q. Well done.

A robot you can wear hmm…

Cool project. As soon as I saw the picture I thought it has pose. The selfmade board is great and I can’t wait to see it walking?
Are you sending the data via bluetooth yet?

Thanks :slight_smile: His creactions are

Thanks :slight_smile: His creactions are my favorite things in Bond movies

Thanks :). Personally I

Thanks :). Personally I don’t think it will walk nicely, because of 2 DOF legs. I wanted to make 3 DOF legs, but I haven’t got money for additional servos and 12 servos would be too much to wear I guess :D. Currently I’m controlling deploy, retract function via bluetooth, but I’m kinda lookind into java and programming android apps in eclipse so maybe I’ll make android app for it.

Neato frito

Braclet Robots! Forget terminator!

This Made My Jaw Drop

The bracelet idea was genius. More so than Q, it reminds me of something from a cyberpunk movie where the cops would have something like this on their arm and throw into a room to scout.

What are you using for your Bluetooth radio on the robot? I’ve been looking for a cheap alternative to Sparkfun’s modules.

Great idea with a lot of

Great idea with a lot of potential. (collected). I like the idea with the batteries in/as the legs, it gives the robot a special kind of style. OddBot’s bipeds got the batteries in their feet :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile: Guess I have to

Thank you :slight_smile: Guess I have to see that movie. I’m using 10 dollar UART Bluetooth module from ebay

Thank you :slight_smile: This feature

Thank you :slight_smile: This feature was one of the first on the list, spares space and robot is balanced, only problem was wiring :smiley:

Thanks :slight_smile: Yeah I hope it

Thanks :slight_smile: Yeah I hope it won’t kill me :smiley:

**Awesome robot! **

Awesome robot!


How did you get the parts

How did you get the parts for it? 3D printing?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

I don’t have access to the

I don’t have access to the 3D printer so basically everything is made by my hands, that’s the reason why it’s not so accurate :smiley:

What board are you using?

What board are you using? Did you use a plain board and soldered the components to it?

I’ve made my own board

I’ve made my own board

It’s official! this is my

It’s official! this is my favorite progect to follow! I’m digging the UI

Thank tou :slight_smile:

Thank tou :slight_smile:

It really costs 40? Plus the

It really costs 40? Plus the servos, the board, the processor?