Botty 3 Updated

Botty 3!


* 16x2 Serial LCD
* Two Sharp-IRs
* Temp Sensor & Light Sensor
* Driving light, turns on when low light

3 Buttons for menu on lcd screen.


Built on the RP5 tracked chassis from polulu. More to come!


Overview of the Drive function. Also my new IR-sensor 4-30cm arrived. Perfect for stair and other small objects sensing.



ATM it only wanders around avoids objects with it's IR

  • Actuators / output devices: Servos and RP5 chassis
  • CPU: arduino 328 (modified pico)
  • Power source: 3xAAA for arduino and 6x AA for other.
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, coming soon Ultrasound
  • Target environment: indoors mainly

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


looks fancy and complicated! are you going to eventually port all your wiring to PCBs?

Is that a Maxtobotix sonar? If so, how good does it work?

The maxibot sonar isn’t in
The maxibot sonar isn’t in use yet. But when I was testing it, it works fine. Similiar as to the IR, only longer range. I actually like the IR better.

IR is definitely simpler. Sonar is more difficult, but when you do try it, tell me if it was any good and how easy it was to use. Those Maxtobotics are fairly new and look interesting :smiley:

IR and the ultrasound both

IR and the ultrasound both have their advantages and disadvantages. Using them together will be unique.


How well does the chassis work? Does it go straight? How powerful is it?

Those maxbotics all have an

Those maxbotics all have an analog pin as well as PWM and rs232 level serial out. If you choose the analog they`re just as easy to plug in as an IR sensor.

I use the PWM though, just to save some analog in pins.

i definitely need one. Screw those SRF05s.

It works very well, I’m
It works very well, I’m really pleased with it. No it does not go 100% straight forward. It’s more than enough powerfull for indoor use. :slight_smile:

at 0.25s it commit a

at 0.25s it commit a mistake, it have to steer left but it go right… :slight_smile:

probably sensors scan (turret twist) is too slow compared to bot motion speed

Nice! I really like that

Nice! I really like that chassis. What voltage/pwm are the motors running at in the video? Are the gearboxes very noisy, compared to say a solarbotics motor?

I have a similar drive function on my bot too, makes it easy saying mGo(LEFT, 300); etc etc.

Small question about your

Small question about your code:

I don’t get how the drive function works. Precisely, it’s the time variable i don’t get. Say you call Drive(0, 25); the drive function jumps to “if direction==0” and time becomes 24, but once it reaches the end does it loop back from the start of the “Drive” function? If yes, then when does it come out of it (there’s no return in the “if time==0” part).


I mean…no, why should it auto-loop. But then how does it wait the, say, 25 seconds called by the Drive(0, 25) command?

Yes, the time function is
Yes, the time function is quite obsolete actually :stuck_out_tongue:

even if obsolete, i still

even if obsolete, i still don’t understand how it works :=)

or did you mean “it doesn’t work” by saying it’s obsolete?

Yes, since It gives a new
Yes, since It gives a new Drive command everytime it sees something, the timer wont reach the end. But it’s not seconds, it’s counting loops. Anyhow, it’s kind of useless :stuck_out_tongue: