Bot4Julia.pde (9511Bytes) (1395Bytes)
After playing with the Robot Builder's Shield, I've decided to make a small robot board that has the same features as the shield. I wanted it to be 2"x2" (5x5cm) so it can be fabricated cheap and to be appealing to many robot builders that still build small robots.
I present the µBotino robot controller. Features:
- 6 analog sensor connectors
- 5 servo connectors
- SN754410 H-bridge, digital pins 5-8
- 6 digital sensor connectors
- 3 pin hardware serial connector
- Arduino FTDI cable connector for programming
- 6 pin ISP connector
- reset button
- jumper J1 to select power (5V or Vin) to the servo connectors
- jumper J2 to enable/disable power to the motors (you don't want the robot to run all over when programming)
- jumper J3 to enable/disable the LED on pin Digital 13 (don't use the LED when using a servo)
- 16 MHz ceramic resonator
- power LED
- power switch
- 5V LDO voltage regulator (1A or more)
- small form factor, 2" square
Using Fusion PCB 2layer 5x5cm service from SeeedStudio, 10 boards will cost $20 to make. That means $2 a piece! I think all parts plus the board can fit a $20 bill.
Here is a picture of the PCB:
Update 04.03.2010: Order placed at SeeedStudio. Can’t wait to work with them! Perfect for a Start Here robot!
Here is the schematic (click to get a bigger image):
Update Sept. 23rd 2010.
I got the boards in the mail! Here’s how they look like:
I can sell the µBotino PCB for $4 USD. I will get back soon for a complete kit.
Part list from SparkFun:
2x pin headers
4x cap 0.1uF
1x SN754410
1x LED green
1x LED red
1x power switch
1x reset button (this one is SMD, should be TH)
2x cap 100uF
3x cap 10uF
1x resistor 10k
2x resistor 1k
1x ATmega328
1x resonator 16MHz
1x 28 pin socket
1x 16 pin socket
3x jumper
1x 5V v-reg, (this one is regular, should be LDO)
1x power connector header
1x crimp pins for power connector
1x power connector housing
Total price: $27.7 USD with 2 items that are not what they should be. I hope I can get better prices than this!
Update, Sept. 24th 2010:
I have populated the first board and uploaded the code using the xBees. I had to set up the baud to 19200 because I used a mega168, but it worked flawlessly. Now all I have to do is mount the board on a robot and take a video...
More to come...
Update Sept 25th 2010:
Installed the µBotino on my daughter's robot and took a video. Enjoy!
Update Nov. 12th, 2010:
New boards are in stock and ready for sale here:
and kits:
Update April 16th, 2011:
I am getting low on the boards in stock (only 4 left) and I am looking to make some inprovements to the design. So, I am getting at version 3:
- replaced the SPDT sliding switch with a DPDT toggle switch - taller, easier to work with; the switch (in the Off position) separates the voltage regulator from the servo and motor power bus so there is no power leakage during programming with the FTDI cable
- moved the power connector between the voltage regulator and the power switch
- removing jumper J2 removes power to the servos and the motors at the same time (useful in case of debuging code)
- removing jumper J1 removes the power only for the servos
- added an extra 2 pin unkeyed connector in case one needs separate motor and servo power, remove J1 if used
- moved the D0-D4 pin names on the silk screen closer to the pins, for a better understanding
Here is the new schematic:
Here is the new PCB layout:
Let me know what you think.
Update May 21st, 2011:
I have received the new boards today and I am glad the custom part I designed in Eagle for the DPDT power switch fits perfectly. Can't wait to test them out, but I have another package on the way with male header pins and the Arduino long leads female headers for the shield. As soon as I can test the boards I'll add them to the store so you can get them. The new improvements make them easier to use and a better product.
Here are some pics:
I hope you'll like them!