Botboarduino first time connections

I have a brand new Botboarduino, a mature and loved Known good USB cable, a freshly installed IDE, an unsuccessful FTDI driver update. I have the correct port selected. Ihave Duemilanove and ATmega328P selected. I have sucessfully uploaded to a Nano and run sequences on a SSC32U. I have read the forums and tried their suggestions and still after a week of trying I still get this error:

avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
An error occurred while uploading the sketch

I can see and hear the test program running on the Botboarduino.

I am having a hard time believing the board is bad but I don’t know what else to try.

We’re here to help!

  1. Can you confirm that the jumper 17 (first image here: is set to USB?
  2. Can you confirm the drivers you use are these:
  3. Under Device Manager, does it detect the right device and assign a COM port?
  4. We’ll ask just in case - the USB cable you’re using is data and not just power / charging?
  5. As always, tried a different USB port?

If it doesn’t work, can you provide a clear top down photo of the board and what you have connected to it?

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Sorry for the delay in responding things have been hectic. Being on lock down gives me time to chase a lot of rabbits.

  1. jumper 17 USB check
  2. tried again to update drivers, was told most current drivers installed
  3. Shows up as com 10
    4)Cable is much used cable that works on other devices
    5)Laptop has 3, all tried
    Ide and cable work for other arduino types
    have tried both processor types 168 and 328P

Not sure what code you’re trying to upload there - can you try a simple Example like “Blink”?

I was trying blink. This is from the botboarduino example files

play star wars over noisemaker

`/*  Created on 2016-01-15 for RobotShop by scharette.
Code adapted from various random sources on the web. We do not know who is the original source... :(
Code meant to run on a BotBoarduino with a buzzer powered by a transistor (pin 5).
License GNU GPL v3:


const int c = 261;
const int d = 294;
const int e = 329;
const int f = 349;
const int g = 391;
const int gS = 415;
const int a = 440;
const int aS = 455;
const int b = 466;
const int cH = 523;
const int cSH = 554;
const int dH = 587;
const int dSH = 622;
const int eH = 659;
const int fH = 698;
const int fSH = 740;
const int gH = 784;
const int gSH = 830;
const int aH = 880;

const int buzzerPin = 5;

int counter = 0;

void setup()
//Setup pin modes
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT); // Digital Pin 8

void loop()
//Play first section

//Play second section

//Variant 1
beep(f, 250);
beep(gS, 500);
beep(f, 350);
beep(a, 125);
beep(cH, 500);
beep(a, 375);
beep(cH, 125);
beep(eH, 650);


//Repeat second section

//Variant 2
beep(f, 250);
beep(gS, 500);
beep(f, 375);
beep(cH, 125);
beep(a, 500);
beep(f, 375);
beep(cH, 125);
beep(a, 650);


void beep(int note, int duration)
//Play tone on buzzerPin
tone(buzzerPin, note, (duration));


//Stop tone on buzzerPin


//Increment counter

void firstSection()
beep(a, 500);
beep(a, 500);
beep(a, 500);
beep(f, 350);
beep(cH, 150);
beep(a, 500);
beep(f, 350);
beep(cH, 150);
beep(a, 650);


beep(eH, 500);
beep(eH, 500);
beep(eH, 500);
beep(fH, 350);
beep(cH, 150);
beep(gS, 500);
beep(f, 350);
beep(cH, 150);
beep(a, 650);


void secondSection()
beep(aH, 500);
beep(a, 300);
beep(a, 150);
beep(aH, 500);
beep(gSH, 325);
beep(gH, 175);
beep(fSH, 125);
beep(fH, 125);
beep(fSH, 250);


beep(aS, 250);
beep(dSH, 500);
beep(dH, 325);
beep(cSH, 175);
beep(cH, 125);
beep(b, 125);
beep(cH, 250);


@urthlight If you can try with another computer and different USB cable, just in case, it would be appreciated. If it still does not work, we’ll convert this to an internal issue and proceed with an RMA for the BotBoarduino. Can you provide your order or invoice number?

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Tried 2 other cables and backup laptop and no go.

This topic was transferred to internal RobotShop Support.