Are there any significant differences in these two boards? I have both without a microcontroller plugged into the chip slot. They look identical except for their titles. I want to build a 12 servo robot (4-legs) and in thinking ill just need one of these boards and not the additional ssc-32. Im also wanting to use the ps2 controller. I want this robot to have a very fluild gate. I’m assuming these boards can move more than one servo at a time? And finally what chip would anyone recommend i buy for the microcontroller slot on the board?
Update: I’m thinking about getting the botboarduino because it is compatible with the latest ps2 V4 controller. I am also going to use the SSC-32 servo controller along with the botboarduino and the ps2 V4 controller. I think this will make for a very awesome quadrapod.
I have noticed that previous versions of the ps2 controller are non-existent, the V1 was compatible with the bot board. Also finding the IC for the bot board such as the ATOM PRO chip is also next to impossible to find anywhere
I actually have the mini-ABB, it looks fairly identical to the bot board 2, which i also have lol. However, both boards are missing the ICs. (ATOM PRO or BS2 chip). So i ended up ordering a botboarduino that im going to use with a SSC-32 I have. I think your right, this will make for a good robot. I also ordered a ps2 v4 controller and i have downloaded the Phoenix code for Quad support. So I’m hoping all works out well. I’m very excited about building this robot, I’ve been planning to do it for awhile now, ever since we built a hexapod in college. Thanks for your help.
Hexapod video:
As far as I know, the Atom Pro (and other BS2 chips) is fully discontinued and will most likely never return to production. That might explain why you have a hard time finding some…