Boris the Biped for Beginners and Beyond

I was looking around at some of the Bipeds that already exist out there and Bob the Biped seemed like a great starting point there was only one problem, my need for speed was paramount and Bob being not very fast I knew it was time to upgrade the little fella.

So with a new faster 3 servo leg design and a ton of extra sensors and add ons BORIS the Biped was born!!!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Hello @SebastianCoddington ,

Welcome to the forum, what an excellent contribution. It’s the first time I’ve heard about the platform. I liked your tutorial very much, it is very clear the usefulness of it, the components you used and how you used them. Again, I liked it a lot, congratulations!

How long did it take you to put it all together?

Hey thanks
Well I got so used to taking him apart and putting him back together again for the assembley videos that it only takes me about 20 minutes to build the whole Robot I would say it would take the average person about an hour to build BORIS

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It’s a very cool little robot :smiley:

It’s too bad you haven’t posted all the steps from the Instructables page :slight_smile:

It could be one of the best explained robots in the Robots section :smiley: