
When I run BlueSoleil it can not fine my DF-bluetooth module. Where do I go from here?

It is conected to a rover. The state LED lights up, but the link light dose not.
The bluetooth is in my device manager. It seems to be working.
Five volts.
It dose not show up in the software. So I have not got to the pairing code yet.
I bought the bluetooth rover kit. So it should be all compatible.

The software found my NXT and link with no problem. I do not have any other bluetooth software to try. I have run a few programs.
Blick, I drove around with the hyterminal progam with the usb. no porblems.

I got 5 volts at the Bluetooth conector. How do i find the RobotShop Support Center (exchanges / returns department)?

Hi BlockHead,

Welcome to the RobotShop Forum. A few questions:
1 - what do you have the bluetooth module connected to?
2 - (obvious question); does your computer have a bluetooth module and is it working properly?
3 - can you double-check the connections on the DFrobot Bluetooth module and is it powered properly? Check the user manual.
4 - Do you have the correct pairing code?


Can you try to pair your computer’s bluetooth with another bluetooth device? Can you try a different bluetooth pairing program? Bleusoleil is quite a good software, but there is always the chance of misconfiguration… Before we proceed with an exchange, let’s try to narrow down where the problem is occuring. Did you get the rover moving via USB (unplug the bluetooth)?



Can you contact us via the RobotShop Support Center (exchanges / returns department) and indicate your invoice number? You can also link to this thread. It sounds like the BT module may be defective. One last thing; if possible, check the voltage at the BT connector and make sure it is sufficient to power the BT module.


There is a navigation bar at the top of the forum, look under Support -> RobotShop support center