Bluetooth printer

this is a Bluetooth printer using lego mindstorms nxt , java program to image processing and Lejos


1 nxt brain

3 motors

2 touch sensors

some of technic parts

More details


  • Programming language: Java

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very cool!I could see this

Very cool!

I could see this anchored to a wall and able to move both horizontal and vertical. Make it so anyone can connect to it and make it print something.

Would make an interesting mural :slight_smile:

As Zanthess said, it would
As Zanthess said, it would be awesome if you made it using legitimate parts (plastic, HDPE, etc.) and mounted it vertically on your wall

good idea
I really think the ideas are nice, the only inconvenient is that I have already dismounted the printer, since now I´m working on a tic tac toe that people can play with my Lego in my house using a webcam.

Still very cool to have a

Still very cool to have a protable bluetooth printer, very inventive!

I can’t wait to see your other creations :slight_smile:

what is the softwar . you have used. if you can show me the programme whith you have used to communicate whith your printer robot.

a assistance from you is useful for me

in the last year I am looking for software to communicate bleutooth. I have a robot and I want the control it by using the bleutooth or wireless communication. and thank you.(I am sorry for the language)

They have this available on
They have this available on SparkFun but the cards aren’t cheap. I dont think many on this site have used bluetooth for their bot due to costs.

It’s different but still…

You might want to do some research on zigbee and xbee modules. They are wireless modules that run on their own protocol and they’re pretty inexpensive. I think $21 USD for the cheapest module.


The cost and how tricky that
The cost and how tricky that can be to get up and running the first time…