I just got my own bluesmirf today and am just starting on the tutorial. I immediately noticed that the botboard was not necessary(cause of course the pc can do the processing instead). I’m thinking of using the bluetooth w/ my $35 wireless cam(great quality!) and Roborealm. Would there be any disadvantages to this setup compared to a bot using its own microprocessor?
I’m doing pretty much the same thing but use the SSC-32 to control the servos. Do you have one of those? I have the BlueSMiRF connected to the SSC-32 and that is the only logic on the bot itself. All processing is done with VB 2008 right now but I hope to tie RoboRealm into it next. I’ve never used a Basic Atom but have used several models of the Basic Stamp 2 and all were great but not needed since I’ll always have my laptop around the bot and have the Bluetooth connection now.
If you have a legged bot, then a bot board would be beneficial since sequence steps can be stored in the program and RoboRealm can send commands (variables) to the bot board then to the SSC-32 and cause it to selectively execute the proper servo sequence moves based on the variable given.
The bot board is not required for control, however, more can be done in my opinion, using the Mini-ABB / SSC-32 combo. This is not to say a PC can’t do it all, but for me, it would be a more straight forward approach. Having the ABB also allows you to program your own logic in addition as well.
yes, I forgot to mention I’m using it w/ SSC-32.
SN96, you have a point there, but I think I’ll just stick to the PC if thats all it takes.
Thanks guys!
Thats great to hear. Nothing wrong going the PC rout. Make sure you post videos and pictures! We wana see!