Biped Shells/Bodies

Every year, it seems that the biped shells gets more and more creative and beautiful. Check out the photos from the 4th Kondo Anniversary: … 487187968/

(I grabbed the link off of

I wonder what tools would a person need to make parts like that?

Google up vacuum forming. :wink:

Youtube has some cool vids on it too. It’s relatively easy to set up a machine. Some really cool parts can be made inexpensively.

there is a massive amount of man-hours in making some of those shells. :slight_smile:

if this link works,

what servos are these? I thought dynamixel but they don’t have the mounting rails on the sides. they have cooling vents in the sides of the enclosures. :open_mouth:

It might be the DX-117. Trossen carries them.

well I don’t see any of the features in the sides and I’m pretty sure they don’t have the ventilation. no sense of scale in the picture so can’t tell how big it really is. might be the futaba robot servos… again I don’t remember seeing the vents. maybe he added them :question: :laughing:

Forget the servos, that bot looks really awesome!

Those servo casing does look unique. The casing looks like a Futaba or an AX-12+, but the vents are quite unique.

Speaking of Futaba servos, what is the advantage of them? They seemed to be waaay over priced for the amount of torque they offer. Transit time is one thing, but you need gobs of torque for a metal-framed bipeds IMO…

Those are Kondo servos - They spec in quite close to the DX-117’s (or the newer RX-28’s). I can’t make out the exact model, but pretty good chance those are KRS-4014 HV (high-voltage) servos. Good stuff, clocking in at ~40kg-cm torque and .19 sec/60 deg. rotation for speed. Only big let down are wire connectors…



Yeah it requires 16V to get there as well. Too much battery? How much is 40KG in terms of oz/in?

thanks robot dude once again you saved me a plenty of time

16V is a 4S lipo pack. x 2.2lb/1kg x 16oz/1lb x 1in/2.54cm = 554

Google knows everything!
40 (kg * cm) = 555.495464 oz * in

(Copy the whole link… phpbb apparently does not handle complex urls.)

To me, these dont look vacuumed? They look CNCed if anything.