Biped Scout Running Phoenix Code

I have been working on getting my biped scout to walk using phoenix code.
i have converted most of the appropriate Dimensions, leg config, and arrangements, etc.

The one argument i am having is, When setting up the phoenix you define the angles at 90º:

While for the scout its set to 30º and 45º

In the phoenix code (1.3) i have noticed that in [SERVODRIVER] the angles are defined at 90º


;Rear Right leg
serout SSC_OUT,SSC_BAUTE,"#",dec RHipRotatePin,“P”,dec TOINT(TOFLOAT(-RHipRotateAngle +90)/0.10588238)+650]
serout SSC_OUT,SSC_BAUTE,"#",dec RHipZPin,“P”,dec TOINT(TOFLOAT(-RHipZAngle+90)/0.10588238)+650]
serout SSC_OUT,SSC_BAUTE,"#",dec RKneeZPin,“P”,dec TOINT(TOFLOAT(-RKneeZAngle+90)/0.10588238)+650]

;Rear Left leg
serout SSC_OUT,SSC_BAUTE,"#",dec LHipRotatePin,“P”,dec TOINT(TOFLOAT(LHipRotateAngle +90)/0.10588238)+650]
serout SSC_OUT,SSC_BAUTE,"#",dec LHipZPin,“P”,dec TOINT(TOFLOAT(LHipZAngle+90)/0.10588238)+650]
serout SSC_OUT,SSC_BAUTE,"#",dec LKneeZPin,“P”,dec TOINT(TOFLOAT(LKneeZAngle+90)/0.10588238)+650][/code]
will i have to change these to accommodate the scout? **

Im currently on defining the current pins and will be adding the others once i get further into the project.

[code];[PIN NUMBERS]

RHipRotatePin con P21 ;Right leg Hip Horizontal Y
;RHipX con P20 ;Right leg Hip Vertical X
RHipZPin con P19 ;Right leg Hip Vertical Z
RKneeZPin con P18 ;Right leg Knee Vertical Z
;RAnkleZ con P17 ;Right leg Ankle vertical Z
;RFootRotate con P16 ;Right leg Foot X

LHipRotatePin con P5 ;Left leg Hip Horizontal Y
;LHipX con P4 ;Left leg Hip Vertical X
LHipZPin con P3 ;Left leg Hip Hip Vertical Z
LKneeZPin con P2 ;Left leg Knee Vertical Z
;LAnkleZ con P1 ;Left leg Ankle vertical Z
;LFootRotate con P0 ;Left leg Foot X [/code]

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as always. thanks jonny.

The bigger question might be, how are you going to add the “lean sideways” steps in the gait to allow the Scout to walk? You can’t do the swinging leg lifts of the Phoenix, or am I missing everything? Bipeds can’t walk like insects, as far as I know…

Alan KM6VV

Im currently only defining the current pins

and will be adding the others once i get further into the project.

for now i will be using sequences to turn and step sideways.

the intention for using phoenix code is i believe it will open up more possibility’s for the project.
your right,

but you can define the leg positions prior to the body, so your letting the robot know the legs are beneath the body. im hoping im on the right track.

EDIT. oh i see. well im hoping to add a X axis shift like this but after i have got the main parts working correctly.

[code];Walking Xcomp table:
'-10=118 10=138 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Xcomp bytetable 128,118,118,118,138,138,138,138,138,138,138,118,118,118,118[/code]

BodyPosX = (Xcomp(GaitStep))-128

I agree that the Phoenix code is a good template for moving legs. It would seem that you’d just have to expand the “gait” code to calculate the moves of the additional leg segments.

Good luck with your project!

Alan KM6VV