Biped Scout IK?

I’m in the process of restoring my Biped Scout to its original glory and more. Was wondering if anyone out there have implemented an IK-algorithm/calculations for the 6DOF leg?

Hey tom_chang79

If you find a gait for the scout I would be more than happy to received it from you… I’m waiting for my scout kit to arrive at the end of next week, and I’m starting at 0, cause I’m totally new to robotics and programming… :slight_smile: But I’m a good learner, so i think I’ll get it going… :slight_smile:

But if you get your hands of a propper gait for it, I would be glad to hear from you…

Best Regards from a fellow scout owner


IK over a 6DOF leg? That’s gonna be tough! 3DOF is not bad. Even add a 4th and you’ve now got multiple solutions. It’s downhill from there! But I’m no expert.

Alan KM6VV

Here are 3 BASIC programs for the Scout that incorporate IK for the three servos (hip, knee, ankle) on the same plane. They were written by Nathan for the Atom 28 (Not Pro). So a lot of conversions will be required. Hey, it’s a start… :wink:

I hope they are usful…
bscout-walk11.bas (8.16 KB)
bscoutw2.bas (8.36 KB)
bs012005.bas (8.8 KB)