bigger hex

after long time I’ll play again with hexs,but this time I’d like to buil a bigger hex.
before to start to think about the final design I want to kwon a thing about the softhware:
taking in considerastion that I’ll use all electronics from my APOD ( maybe except servos )
Can I use the same code?
if yes, for to use it with a different size hex, I only have to change the old size with new ones in the Conf-Code?

thanx for Ur help

Any ideas as to what parts you would use to create the larger hex? Would you opt for normal RC servos or change the tech?
Very curious to see what you have planned; you make some really gorgeous designs!

Hi Benson,
It’s a pleasure listen U again after all this time,happy to know that U remenber me!
For now I’m planning to use the same parts from the Apod even if I think to change the machanics ( that I’ll 3dprint).
I’d like to re-design it, taking in consideration the difference size.
I know the problem that I can meet building a bigger hex (apod)…
More weight ,longher levers
This requires the use of stronger ( expensive ) servos…but i’d like to keep low the costs and use the same servos of old apod, so for that reason I wanted try an idea that I have in mind.

But ,as U know, i’m not a good programmer and i’m limited so
I wanted know if it’s possibile adapt the ‘old’ Apod code to ‘new’ Apod code simply changing the new dimensions in the
right file.

Thanx for Ur time !

Really love your shell designs and approach to using complex curves, white and black and a highlight color.

If you use RC servos, you can port the code. Note that the most torque will be in the shoulder, followed by the knee, and then the body.
You might consider using 6x 755MG servos.

Really thanx Benson, Ur help is precious!!
I’ll start to collect all my ideas soon.