Big wheeled stakka rover

I have 2 of these Stakka CD/DVD carousel storage units that stopped working:

I don't use CDs or DVDs much at all nowadays so opened it up to take a look how it works:

Turns out it's really simple inside:

Not the stepper motor I was expecting, the turntable is run by a standard motor and an LED/LDR tracks position

- the turntable has notches underneath every slot for tracking.

There's also another motor to lift and eject the chosen CD, again DC motor and pulley arrangemen.

- the turntablemotor is geared down to around 30 rpm.


Turned on its side and 30rpm is ideal for the "wheel" size, once the bottom has been cut off the case:

Here it is with both units & wheels and using an ATtiny85 and SN754410 motor controller chip





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