Big Wheel Bot | RobotShop Community

This is my latest mobile robot that I am calling Big Wheel Bot. I have used 2 x 250mm diameter wheels, with rubber tires to construct a robot platform. For drive to the wheels I have 3D printed large internal spur gears that attach to the wheels.The robot uses an Arduino Nano and an L298 motor driver. The on-board batteries are 2 x 12V SLA batteries connected in series to supply 24V to the motors. The robot also has a Raspberry Pi and webcam on-board for capturing video and logging sensor data as the robot drives around. I am using a HC-05 bluetooth module connected to the Raspberry Pi to take input from a homemade transmitter to control the robot.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Well done! Happy to see you’ve included the steps. Perhaps step 3 can be programming and provide the sample code?
Want to provide the wiring diagram and code for the controller too?

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Hey @Big_Face,

I really liked your video :slight_smile:

How long did it take you make all of this?

Also, have you thought about putting a little bit of grease on the gears?

And, I hope you will soon solve the issue with balancing of the platform!

Looking forward to another video :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the suggestions, Ill add the wiring diagram for the controller to the post and a step for programming.

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Thank you. I’ve been working on this for the past month or so. Plus some time for making the videos as well. I have managed to get the robot to balance, which I will show in the next video, but adding the castor makes for a much more stable platform to work with.

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Nice. Nice details. Jiayou!

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relly awesome robot, whats the Wheel diameter?

Thanks, they are 250mm diameter wheels.

This looks impressive and you have certainly put a lot of time in this.

Thank you again for this inspiring bot - I’ve managed to get my GoPiGo3 bot, Carl, to do the data collection along the lines of your Big-Wheel-Bot. Next will be to understand your path and occupancy grid programs.

Carl’s Occupancy Grid Data Collection ala BigFaceRobotics Big-Wheel-Bot:

And the data map:

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The garden robot looks well built. I see that you replaced the internal ring gear, Part 5, with a gear box. Did weeds catch in the gears? I considered a ring gear for the small tractor that I am building but am afraid of entanglements.

hello well done Any tests on its capabilities to tow ? eg A wheel barrow ? lawn mower ? ciao MsO

Well done. Could you please share your knowledge to choose the right voltage limit for each components in this project if it is possible?