Big "M" - The stepper

Hello everyone.
This is my next post on this site. This time I would like to introduce you my next project the "BIG M Stepper".











This robot is also one of the series "simple robots". I bulit it in 10 maybe 20 minuts.
He has three servos, thre sticks, one bumper switch and Picaxe 8M. It only goes forward.




I also wanted to build an LDR, but:
- I used Pin0 only for programming,
- and pin 3 is only for binary input.
So I built a switch.

Stepper with three legs

  • Actuators / output devices: Three srevos
  • CPU: Picaxe 8M
  • Power source: 5V
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

ah ah!! very funny little

ah ah!! very funny little bot :slight_smile:

I love it :wink:


Oh! That is really good!!!
Oh! That is really good!!!

So simple…
and so VERY COOL!

Neato!You say it only goes


You say it only goes forward. Since it is servo driven, shouldn’t you be able to sequence the servos to go either forward or backward? Or did you mean you ony have a sensor in front?

You`re right
You’re right, he can go forward and backward, but because memory in PICAXE 8M is limited, can he only go forward. With the PICAXE 28 would not a problem.



I really like your robots.  This is awesome!