Big BoB

Hi LMR, This is mi first Robot. I was inspired by k.biagini's bob. I don't have a 3D printer because i have 15 years and i live in Serbia. I made the head from 3mm thick cardboard,the leg's are made from these For the eyes i used a HC - SR04 sensor and for the mouth i used som LED's from an old toy. And i used 4 sg90 servo's for the legs.


Update 12.9.2014

For BoB's brain i will use arduino nano with expansion board

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Welcome to LMR Ilija. It’s

Welcome to LMR Ilija. It’s hard to get the size of your BoB without reference object :slight_smile: How big is it and are you going to upload a video soon (today)?


Thanks lumi, the head is

Thanks lumi, the head is 8x8x8cm and the whole robot is 16cm.

Im missing some parts.I don’t know when i will upload a video.

Looks lovely, can’t wait to

Looks lovely, can’t wait to see it walk. It’s painted red, so it should be faster, right? :wink:

Welcome to LMR:D

I wish i had the chance to do robotics when i had 15. You can join the 3d print club and see near members!

That’s not as big as I

That’s not as big as I thought but still bigger than BoB the original :slight_smile:

Yep, please do not forget the video and while waiting for that parts you might write some more details about the guts of your Big BoB

Expansion board??

Expansion Board for nano. WOW I never knew they made such a thing, great find. 

lol Ork logic

lol Ork logic