Big BoB

Posted on 11/09/2014 by ilija
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi LMR, This is mi first Robot. I was inspired by k.biagini's bob. I don't have a 3D printer because i have 15 years and i live in Serbia. I made the head from 3mm thick cardboard,the leg's are made from these ...

Big BoB

Hi LMR, This is mi first Robot. I was inspired by k.biagini's bob. I don't have a 3D printer because i have 15 years and i live in Serbia. I made the head from 3mm thick cardboard,the leg's are made from these For the eyes i used a HC - SR04 sensor and for the mouth i used som LED's from an old toy. And i used 4 sg90 servo's for the legs.


Update 12.9.2014

For BoB's brain i will use arduino nano with expansion board

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