BewBit - Searches for light

Simple and yet fun to make arduino bot. Just follows the strongest light source. Using two LDRs, a modified pico and 1xAA and 2xAA battery packs, to give out 4,5 volts. Just enough to power theSN754410 and motors. But it gets around.

Had a little accident, it drove over a carpet, or it came about 30cm into it and some funny gear-whining noise came :P
A lot of hair in the gearbox, had to take it apart and clean it.

Future plans:

* Crash sensor, a small micro switch in front.
* Speaker, plays sound according to light source :P
* Better code
* Low voltage alarm

More stuff to come!

Drives thowards light

  • Actuators / output devices: Tamiya gears
  • CPU: arduino 328 (modified pico)
  • Power source: 3xAA cells
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: 2 LDR
  • Target environment: indoor on smooth surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Using a breadboard for
Using a breadboard for prototyping sure is a good way for testing. In the future it would be good u solder it onto a perforated board or even a PCB! good job!