[BETA] Autonomus or WiFi robot with I.A with Wifi Camera



Hi everybody (first for all sorry for my bad english),
This is my first robot. This is an autonomus and a Wifi Controlled robot. For now it can move autonomus, i'm waiting for the Wifi components (it arrive in some day).

I've order a WifiCamera and a two axis controller for move in X and Y position the camera. I've order another two IR sensor for the movement and a professional metal structure.
There are one light sensor, and 3 led for the robot status. When I complete the robot they have:

1) Three sensor IR.
2) Light Sensor.
3) Wifi Controller.
4) Wifi Camera (and i can move it with Wifi Controller).
5) Light sensor.
6) Gps.
7)Professional metal structure.
8) MP3 Sound.
9) Three white led.





Wifi controller, autonomus, gps, wifi camera, mp3 player

  • CPU: Arduino Decimila
  • Power source: 7.4V 800mAh LiPo
  • Programming language: C Wiring/assembler - Arduino

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/beta-autonomus-or-wifi-robot-with-i-a-with-wifi-camera

Looks like a great start for a robot
The only thing I’m not sure about is the GPS?
It doesn’t look like your robot is built for the great outdoors and indoors a GPS with a resolution of 5m would be rather pointless. So I would recommend you to drop the GPS and save the money