Best solution for hexapod power system

20 servo 5v, around 100 mA consumption from one servo (2A total)
Mega 2560 PRO 7-12v 70 mA consumption with some 2 driver like adafruit 2x 5v 12 mA from board

Dont know that to choose from

That is the best solution to choose from 2 variants? upstep or downstep???

  1. 3,7v 2000 mAh LiPo or some battery pack
    plan to use 2 dc-dc upstep regulators
    one regulator to power up mega2560 and driver
    one regulator to power up servos

  2. 7,4 v 2500 mAh LiPo or even 11-12v 2800 mAh LiPo
    one dc-dc downstep regulator to power up servos

3.7V won’t work with normal 4.8V to 6V servos, and there’s a strong chance that apply 7.4V might burn them.
Note too that 100ma seems quite low for current consumption under load.
If you can, choose 7.4V “high voltage” servos and use a 7.4V LiPo pack.
If that’s not an option, stepping 7.4V downto 6V might be your best option. Ensure it can handle more current than you’ll need under max load.

Yes. thank you. Yesterday i was trying to test first variant with up step regulators. One li-ion 18650B with mega2560, adafruit 16 ch servo driver and 2 servos with separate MT3206 dc-dc for board and driver. Its works but i see a huge voltage jumps on mega and servo driver, in range from 5 to 7 v. Probably capacitors can help with that, but its only 2 servos. I think its not good idea to put 10 servos in.
So you are was right, its really one way - to put down step here.