Best for Beginners?

I am an absolute beginner... i have very little experience in electronics, very little experience in mechanics... but i am an expert programmer... my question is: what do you recommend for a beginner wanting to get into robotics? I am thinking I might want to get a roboduino board but I see here a lot of people are using picaxe.

The advantages of something like the roboduino is that the board is pretty self contained and wouldn't need a seperate board to drive the servos...

Any suggestions as to what type of micro-controller might be best to start with?

A programmer in what? If
A programmer in what? If familar with C, then Arduino is C-like. The Roboduino has some good connection to power the sensors and devices connected to the board from the robot. It’s probably the best choice given the information provided.

The normal Arduino board is
The normal Arduino board is also a good choice. As you are an “expert programmer” you’d have no problem at all using the arduino board. You could just setup you’re eclipse to use the avr-gcc compiler and directly export the c code to the microcontroller. no problem.