Best Entry Level K12 High School ROS2 robot to start students on


I am a k12 Technology Coordinator looking at the Mini Pupper/Turtlebot/etc… for High School students to learn ROS 2 with. Would there be any suggestions for a low cost, basic robot/kit for schools to use that others have had good luck with? We are a small school but have an active stem program that works currently with vex robotics and is part of the Amazon Computer Science Python training program and I would like to see what it would take to get started with ROS2 for our students. Thanks for any suggestions.

Would the iRobot Create 3 be the best, low cost place to start? Have others had good luck with this bot?

Hello @Danfrommn ,

Welcome to RobotShop community.

The iRobot Create 3 is indeed a good option to get started.

You can also check the following options:

Let us know if you have further questions.


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Thanks, Ill check them out.