Beetle Bot

This is my first robot to post at but I have built other contraptions I suppose could qualify as robotic - nothing sophisticated though - just gizmos.

Got the wiring for this one from Jerome Devers at


My bot is more of a wall follower with it's short feelers.  I guess it is really a backwards beetle bot since my drag wheel is in the front.  

Chassis is a piece of a clipboard, drag wheel is caster. I salvaged drive mechanism from toy truck.


Follows walls with feelers.

  • Actuators / output devices: geared toy motors
  • Control method: bumper switches
  • CPU: none
  • Operating system: none
  • Power source: 2 AA battery
  • Programming language: none
  • Sensors / input devices: bumper switches
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice :slight_smile:

Nice bot. I like the fluidity of movement and the collision detection !

Thanks. It seems the simplest machines are the most fun and enduring. I need to apply my neural net code to this one but it has been “unbuilt” for the parts.