Battery Powered Servo Motor Push Button

I know nothing about any of this but curious how difficult and what would needed to create a battery powered 90 degree servo motor with push button to activate. Need it to rotate 90 cw the 90 ccw.

For my project the arm attached to the motor would lay under a paddle and would be used to rotate the paddle back to an up right position after being knocked over and falling on the push button. The weight of the paddle is roughly a half pound.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Hi @Ikeevens and welcome to our forum.

It shouldn’t be so difficult. My guess would be to use battery, push button, servo and Arduino as a “brain” of this assembly.

I just don’t understand the mechanical movements here. Could you maybe attach some drawings?

Thank you.

Here is a video of what I’m trying to accomplish. Servo motor assembly would replace the drill.

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Hi @Ikeevens

Thank you for explanation.

I’ve done quick Google search.

I think these projects can be helpful for you:

Thanks I’ll take a look at your suggestions. This is what started my interest. The creator says it’s powered by a small 7.4v lithium battery and using a 180 degree servo but only run it about 120 degrees. Servo feedback controls rotation. Paddle moves a magnet that triggers a Hall effect sensor.

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Hi @Ikeevens

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, it looks interesting. Were you able to assemble something similar?

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